mom mom mom

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at this time next week, i'll be in washington state!! exciting. spending ten days in my favorite state sounds like a perfect way to end my summer.

i wanted to spend some time talking about someone extremely important to me & my mom. my first friend, and biggest supporter is definitely my mother. you see, lately, i've been watching these really eye-opening videos about people who've lost their mom. for the record, i do not spend my free time looking up these videos...they pop up on my twitter feed (thanks followers for indirectly showing me super sad videos!!) one video in particular was about this former wrestler who got caught up in the wrong crowd, and experimented with drugs & alcohol. he goes on to mention that his mom used to wait up until he would get home (2-4am) to make sure that he arrived home safely. she always asked him if she could talk to him, and he blew her off. fast forward to the future, he received a call while he was out of the country saying that his mother had passed. can you imagine how awful he must've felt? the guilt & sadness that must've consumed his thoughts would be unbearable for anyone.

after five minutes of crying, i started thinking about my own mother. i don't do drugs or alcohol at all, but i can relate with him when he said that his mother waits up for him. regardless if she has work the next morning, my mother (or father) will be in the family room waiting for me to walk through the door. i could be out with my boyfriend, with friends, or at work until late, and no matter the reason, she's always there. i always tell her that she doesn't have to wait for me to get home & that she should go to bed, but she has always responded with, "you'll understand why i do this when you're a mother. it's a mom thing." after that video, i think i finally understand. it's not about seeing what time i get home in order to punish me, she stays up because she wants me to arrive home safely. can you imagine receiving news that something bad happened to your child? whether that news is that they were killed in an accident or they got arrested for doing something stupid, i cannot imagine the pain a mother would feel if they were the one who got that call. i NEVER want to put my mother through that kind of pain. why would you want to hurt the one person who's always been there for you?

i'm extremely close with my mother. i cannot make a decision in my life without consulting her to see what she has to say. i go to her with big decisions like which colleges to apply for, and small decisions like if i should buy a shirt in a small or medium. being an only child, i've grown up with my parents being my best friends. as i enter my senior year, i'm absolutely terrified thinking about next year after i graduate. how am i supposed to live in a dorm one hour away from my family and everything i'm accustomed to? who am i going to go to when i'm stressed and there's no one around to talk to?

my mother is honestly the most amazing person i've ever met in my entire life. i cannot imagine a world without her in it. she is so extremely selfless & unfortunately, she is also under appreciated. i do not thank my mom nearly as much as i should. she does everything for me, and i don't appreciate all of her efforts as much as i should. if i am half the woman she is, i will be so happy. she's the best role model anyone could ask for.

ultimately, be thankful for your mother. give her a call & let her know how important she is. mother's day is everyday...not just once a year.

since i know you check my blog...thanks mom for being who you are...i love you & cannot wait for ten days in washington w/ you.

P.S. if you want to check out the video i mentioned earlier, click the link right here:


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