agh senior year. this is the first year where i don't come home, immediately open my backpack, and start on my homework and continue with it for two hours. this is the first year where my food and makeup outweigh the school supplies in my backpack. i love senior year.

it's already the week of our first football game. time is already flying by, and it's only the second full week of school. it's hard to believe that this week is the first of many spirit weeks that i will (finally) participate in, and the time where i will try my hardest to be a spirited senior.      

i'm so excited for friday night, and to cheer on my school's team with all of the other spirited seniors.

yay highland yay senior year                                    
hey, so i've neglected my blog for far too long, but i'm back!!

hey there. so...about this title.....uhm....i'm a senior?!!?!?! how did this happen?! i was just in preschool tripping over a kid's leg and breaking my ankle there's no way i just started my last year of high school.

while some may think that senior year is some big milestone to star & overcome, i think it's extremely important. it shows you two things that:

a) you haven't dropped out no matter how hard math got or how annoyed you got when you walked past ten couples making out in the hallways


b) that you decided maybe finishing high school is kind of important especially if you want to go to college, trade school, straight into the workforce etc...

so, in my opinion, this is a big deal. this is my last FULL year in my house. the house i grew up in & the only real place i've ever called home. while living on a street with the same name as a spongebob character has really warmed my heart, i'm so looking forward to getting a new address which will be my dorm at Grand Canyon University. i already miss my parents & they're literally down the hall from me as i type this. i'm way too attached to my little family...what am i supposed to do next year without my dad coming into my room, making up a silly dance, and leaving with no explanation?!

this is so INSANE to think about...the fact that i'll be packing up for college around this time next year. i cannot believe i'm actually at this point in my life. i was just throwing temper tantrums at daycare & having birthday parties at build-a-bear...

i am so ready for this year. you know you're a senior when you care more about the school makeup bag & food you're bringing than the actual school supplies themselves...

i may not have many friends or the most outgoing personality, but i fully intend on making this year great regardless of my friend group.

senior year, bring it on.

cutest backpack award goes to me
sunflowers stay winning obviously

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